Influence is defined as:
3: the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command b : corrupt interference with authority for personal gain
4: the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways : sway
Authority is defined as:
2: power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior b : freedom granted by one in authority : right
3: persons in command; specifically : government b : a governmental agency or corporation to administer a revenue-producing public enterprise
One who has authority also commands, but is not limited to influence.
Influencers are merely well positioned voices in the crowded market of opinion. To obtain a larger sphere, an influencer must strive for a greater position in the ranks of the crowd. Influence can be given, it can be traded, it is the perceived knowledge or significance of one's opinion. Being on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine can give you the influence over people who believe that being on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine signifies that you know something that the rest of us need to learn. Being on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine can not, however, actually make what you're saying true or cause a lasting reaction from your reader. Because as perceptions change, so does your ability to sway the beliefs of the masses.
Being an authority on something requires a price. Whether a cost of time, work, study, or life experience, authority certainly doesn't come for free. The key point is that authority by definition contains the power to influence, but it is not limited to the mere swaying of opinion, authority gives you command over ideas and thoughts. Authority is a power that is earned and with that power comes the ability to bring change. There is a story of a man who was offered all of the kingdoms of the world if he would bow his knee and submit to another less powerful king, instead he chose to live his life in a state of semi-obscurity and die an apparent failure, only to rise again and be given authority over all the earth.
In our creative lives we are faced with this choice constantly. Do we risk being misunderstood, discredited, or overlooked to build something never seen before, or do we give up our chance at authority for the instant gratification of influence. Do we chose to play in front of thousands as quickly as possible and enjoy the temporary success that comes from fame, or do we dig deeper and create art that will continue to affect the cultural economy long after we are dead and gone. Is our end-goal for our voices to be heard, or that when our voices are heard we actually have something left to say?
We all have the right to authority over the spheres we are given, and I am learning more and more that the cost of a short cut to influence is that authority.
Thats a price that I don't think I can afford to pay.